
Friday, November 04, 2011


You can just see it peeking from underneath my textbook...a ball of yarn to knit the green cowl I've been working on here and there.

I wrote about 1/4 of my paper tonight but now I'm ready to relax and knit for an hour before bed. I'll get back to writing bright and early tomorrow morning.

Needless to say, there's no sewing going on in the sewing room right now!


  1. Sounds like you barely have time to breathe at the moment! I wish you all the best and as many words as you need to get that thing finished!

  2. Ooh, your poor yarn, suffocating under those books!

    Hope you found the time to knit and had a good weekend.

  3. Yay -- way to sneak the knitting in there LOL! I hope you managed to finish your paper -- AND your knitting!

  4. Sounds like you have a good balance going there...much like my daughter..a little studying a little knitting..repeat as necessary! :o)


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