
Saturday, November 12, 2011

The *S* Word

It was inevitable.

All my exclaiming about the lack of snow the other day did nothing but encourage Mother Nature. "Oh, look!" she said to herself. "I totally forgot about Edmonton. It's way overdue for a dump of snow."

Okay, so it's a teensy amount of snow for now. More to come later, I'm sure. It did put me in the Winter/Christmas spirit, though. Today the OnlyChild and I, along with my friend Patt, went to a Christmas craft sale. Never mind that we bought food items rather than anything Christmassy or crafty, it was a lot of fun! And never mind that I have totally avoided doing any kind of work this weekend at all - no marking, no writing, no reading for my course, no postings, not even any housework. I might regret that tomorrow or Monday, but right now I don't care.
Instead of working, I enjoyed the time with my girl. We visited a friend/coworker who just had a baby.

Excuse the terrible cell phone picture above. Little Elliot really was the most warm and snuggly baby and so cute! The Baby Bow Tie quilt went to him; his mom and dad were so pleased with it.

Plus the OnlyChild bought him the sweetest onesie - white with bicycles all over it and green trim around the neck and sleeves.

Tonight the OnlyChild and I are going to the Rocky Horror Show - a live theatre performance. We've been looking forward to it for a while. It's been a good weekend, but she has to leave tomorrow afternoon and I won't see her again until Christmas break. She's made me promise not to decorate the house until she gets home. But with the fresh snow and the bite of winter in the air, I'm not sure I can hold off. I'll have to bring out the snowmen at least!


  1. UGH. SNOW. YUCK! Love that bow tie quilt. Happy to hear the new parents liked it. And sounds like you and OnlyChild are living it up this weekend. Good for you! Don't worry. She'll be home for Christmas break before you know it. :)

  2. Glad you had a wonderful weekend with OnlyChild; that's the most important thing - everything else can wait!

  3. Ekkkkkkkk snow!!!
    Glad you had fun with your DD!! Cute baby!!

  4. How nice that you had such a fun weekend! Don't worry....your daughter's Christmas break will be here before you know it!

  5. Oh...and please keep the snow THERE!

  6. What fun you are having with the only child. Love your quilt!

  7. What a wonderful weekend with your daughter. I love that first snow (especially if I don't have to drive in it. :) It really makes it feel like winter/Christmas too me.

  8. I was just telling my DH that you hadn't had snow and had broken records and then read your post! Well I guess it wasn't going to last forever!

    We've had two new arrivals in the family and the last two weekends I've been holding babies...don't they just smell the best!

  9. Snow better you than me. Glad you had a happy weekend.

  10. Haha -- I saw your post title in my reader and got all excited -- I thought maybe you'd be swearing LOL. I LOVE snow -- we had a brief flurry the other day, but nothing so far. Sounds like you had a perfect weekend -- sometimes we just need to step away from all the work!


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