
Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Let's talk about the weather

Really... it's November 9th today and it has yet to snow in Edmonton. According to the newspaper this morning, that's a weather record. In recorded history, the latest we ever received snow here was November 6. Amazing!

But snow is forecast for tomorrow so I'll hold off on the cheers.

Let's talk about what I've been doing.

I finished my paper last weekend even though the professor emailed everyone and offered an extension until this weekend. "No way!" I told myself. "Let's get this thing done." So I did. The OnlyChild is on her way home as I write and will be staying for the whole weekend. I'd much rather spend time with her than on my course (although I am a bit behind on my reading...).

I finished the green cowl and made another, smaller one. Nothing fancy. Then I happened upon this pattern and decided to knit a scarf in blue. I love this pattern from JaceyCraft. It's easy but not boring. If you want to make one, you can download the pattern for free - just make sure you cast on either 32 or 34 stitches instead of the 33 in the instructions. There was a teensy mistake that Jacey is going to fix.

Now let's talk about what I am going to be doing (besides coursework and school work and marking blah blah blah). 

I am a sneaky, sneaky girl. I bought a Swoon quilt kit from Fat Quarter Shop. Normally, I don't go for kits. I like to inject my own flair and personality into my projects. But I just adored the Swoon quilt that Camille showcased on her blog Simplify (scroll down a bit to see the picture) and I couldn't (honestly!) think of fabric I'd rather make it in than Ruby. Beautiful! So, yeah, I gave into temptation and just ordered the kit.

I got the card from the post office in my mailbox yesterday and picked up the parcel this afternoon. I opened it, checked it all out, took a couple of pictures, then carefully packed it all away. There's not a chance I will be starting this baby before the new year. It can be my first 2012 project!
Finally, let's talk about what I haven't been doing.


The first few days went well. Then I had to write that paper, which took Friday evening and most of Saturday (not too bad - I had all my planning done). I did a little more novel writing on Sunday but my brain was a bit fried and I really wanted to get away from the computer.

I haven't touched it since. Mind you, it's been really busy at work this week too. We had our Remembrance Day service today and I'm one of the committee co-chairs so that has been my focus the past few days. Plus, it's grad picture time at school and that's another of my responsibilities. I've spent every lunch hour booking appointments and answering questions. I've taken parent phone calls and teacher enquiries. I'm sick of it already.

So, by the time I got home from work, I was exhausted. A little bit of work then some total vegging out with the knitting needles. That's how I've spent the last three evenings.

Not very productive. But, oh well...

In a few minutes, Mr. P will be pulling in with the OnlyChild in tow. I have a feeling it will be a late night tonight. I can sleep through our PD day tomorrow. Just kidding...teachers never do that!


  1. Of course no teacher has ever slept though PD! LOL

    We do what we can; there should be no pressure from our hobbies/pastimes - that's why it's called "leisure". Please go easy on yourself and don't feel you have to apologise to us.

  2. I forgot to say - have a wonderful weekend with OnlyChild!

  3. Wow no snow eh? That is quite remarkable! Must admit things have been mild around here too..makes me wonder what kind of winter we are all heading for...

  4. I think you are an over achiever!!! That is what I think!! do you ever just put your feet up and relax?

  5. Extensions in deadlines only mean extensions in worry time. Done and outta there and enjoy the weekend is BEST!

  6. Yes unusual.. always have snow flyn for Remembrance Day!Hope you are having a wonderful time with OC! Pretty fabs for your 2012 project!

  7. Sounds like you are keeping busy. with nothing fun but keeping busy.

  8. You scarf looks wonderful so far! I love the blue you chose. And, Swoon! I don't blame you for buying the kit. The original fabric palette is so lovely! I hope you enjoy making it! I've got three more blocks to go for mine.


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