
Friday, December 16, 2011

Giveaway Winner!

The Sew, Mama, Sew! giveaway is now over.

Thank you to all who visited and entered the giveaway. I even got a few more followers, although that wasn't a requirement to win.

I picked a number using a random number service and the winner of the Santa tea towel (and some extra goodies) is...

Comment #60 Sallie of Sallie's Sampler whose favourite handmade gift was a quilt she made for her son.

I have sent you an email, Sallie. Congratulations!

Now back to regularly scheduled programming, which means marking, sewing and the baking of Christmas treats.

I got my sock monkey socks in the mail yesterday. All is right with the world.

And...the OnlyChild comes home tonight for three whole weeks! Hurray!


  1. Congrats to your winner and enjoy the time with your daughter!

  2. love the santa! I enjoy your blog.

  3. I know you will be so happy to have the only child home....not too long til you leave...whohoooooo


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