
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Difficult week

Yes, I know it's only Tuesday, but it's been a difficult week so far.

Sunday night, I had an awful sleep. I tossed and turned, sweated and froze, felt sick to my stomach. Yesterday morning, I woke up still feeling sick and with a pounding headache. Given the choice between calling a sub and making lesson plans for the day or sucking it up and going to work, I opted for the latter. Usually if I'm not feeling well, once I get busy with students and classes, I don't even think about it.

But...when I got to school yesterday, it just got worse. I received some very, very bad news.

When I started working at my school, six years ago, I had a fresh batch of grade ten students in my advisee group. One of them was a sweet girl from Belarus. She stayed with me until the middle of grade 12 when she switched to a school that was closer to where she lived. She had been having some difficulties at home and had moved into a group home earlier in the school year and was finding the commute too long. We stayed in touch after she left the school; she would drop in and visit every once in a while and once brought me some gifts after a trip back to Europe. It had been a year or so, though, since I last saw her.

Over the weekend, she committed suicide. She was 20 years old. As you can imagine, I am just beside myself. I don't even know how to feel - sad, of course, but also angry and dismayed. Her mother had recently started working at our school, taking on a maternity leave position, so the shock has hit more than her former teachers; it has also affected our entire school community. Kat's funeral is scheduled for Thursday morning. If you're the praying type (and I'm really not myself), please say a prayer for her and her family.

I'll be back in a few days.


  1. Oh, Rachel, I'm so sorry. I will keep you and your school in my prayers.

  2. Such a tragedy.... so sorry this happened. Prayers on the way!

  3. My sincere sympathy to everyone. Prayers are on the way.

  4. Rachel - I am so sorry to read this. I will keep you and everyone involved in my thoughts and prayers. How tragic.

  5. I am so very sorry. How sad for one so young to feel so helpless. Thinking of you and said a prayer.

  6. Oh Rachel. I'm so sorry. It's so very sad when kids feel that ending it all is their only option. Sending you big, big hugs. ;-(

  7. I am so sorry about your loss - I lost my partner to suicide 18 months ago and it is a difficult thing to go through whatever your connection. Please contact me if you want to 'talk' about it. Thinking of you and all involved. C

  8. Sorry for your lost. It truly is tragic the loss of one so young.

  9. Oh Rachel...what tragic news. My thoughts are with her family and the school community. ((Hugs))

  10. Thinking of you, her family and everyone who was touched by her short life. May you all find comfort in each other during this difficult time.

  11. I am so sorry for your loss. Suicide is devastating. I will include the family and you in my prayers.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear the terrible news. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Hope you are also feeling better from whatever bug you had.

  13. oh. That is so sad.... thoughts and prayers to the universe... hugs

  14. What a dreadful, heart-wrenching thing. There is no comfort in words, I know. I am praying for you all & for her as well.

  15. My thoughts & prayers are here for you and Kat's family.

    Big hugs

  16. Rachel -- I hope you're ok -- I miss you!


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