
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Paris Jacket

I finished my Paris Jacket last night and...

Well, I don't know...

What I like:
  • the pattern was easy to follow
  • the details are lovely - the button tabs and the buttons I bought at the flea market in Paris
  • I did a good job of the sewing - seams are even, hems lie flat, etc. etc.

What I don't like:
  • I wanted yellow but couldn't find anything in the right shade or weight so settled for beige, which is one of my least-favourite colours. What was I thinking? I had a Groupon for a really nice fabric shop that was about to expire
  • the fabric I chose (corduroy) is too bulky and, therefore, I look and feel bulky wearing it. I bought the fabric back in November and remembered it as being a much finer-wale cord; maybe, like me, it gained a few pounds over December and January...
  • it looks very short on me (and I'm only 5'3")

I certainly don't look like this svelte model in it:

I'm home alone so there was nobody around to take decent photos of me wearing the jacket. I tried the self-timer with the camera on a stack of books. I even tried hanging it from the chandelier. The pictures are all goofy.

But here's one... (ignore the crazy look - focus on the Eiffel Tower, I mean the jacket)

In other news, Winter finally made an appearance in my part of the world. We've had a little snow here and there since November but nothing like the dump we got last night and today.

The sky is white - more snow to come?

Poor Bettie, first she gets all dirty from the thaw and now she's covered in white stuff.

 The little piggy that guards our house also got snowed under.

I went to my dance class today then headed straight home. No use staying out in this awful weather when I could be home sewing. But I've been home for nearly 3 hours and have done nothing.

Swoon? More Dresden plates?


  1. Sounds like it has been a dry winter for us all...

    Keep warm :-)

  2. Snow, snow, snow. Cute jacket even with your different thoughts. Don't compare yourself with the model. They don't eat. :)

  3. The jacket is lovely and the colour looks good on you. I am glad there is finally snow.

  4. I think that jacket is awesome Rachel! I LOVE LOVE the details on the jacket and I think you should be VERY proud of yourself!The shot with you in it gives the best view of all the care you took in the sewing of it -- it looks like it fits you perfectly. I hate looking at patterns as modelled by svelt women -- they never look the same on me.

  5. Great finish! All that detail is wonderful. put your hair up,add a turtle neck or funky silk scarf and go gal!

  6. I really like the jacket and think you should be very proud of yourself. We are always our worst critics- aren't we?
    Just lovely, great work!!

  7. love your jacket we had snow too but I had to suck it up and go to work :'(

    love that you took the leap and made something you wanted not what others said you should wear. I am on the big side (understatement alert) and last year I started to sew what I liked not what I should I think it made sewing come alive again.


  8. I've been meaning to make one of those jackets in the book too. I can see where the corduroy might feel kind of stiff & bulky. Do you think it would soften up at all with some more wearing & washing?

    It's still a cute jacket! And I like the comments about adding a funky scarf.

  9. Hi this is my first visit to your blog,Just browsed thorugh your wonderful sewn stuffs. I searched for Parisian jackets and found yours.. Your jacket looks good.. I am making one.. And could you help me with your tips ? I made the muslin.. the armhole is too baggy how to rectify it any ideas are welcome..-Diya

  10. Hi this is my first visit to your blog,Just browsed thorugh your wonderful sewn stuffs. I searched for Parisian jackets and found yours.. Your jacket looks good.. I am making one.. And could you help me with your tips ? I made the muslin.. the armhole is too baggy how to rectify it any ideas are welcome..-Diya


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