
Sunday, February 19, 2012


Katy has decided to host a contest for the ugliest Swoon block. The entries will be posted over on the Swoon Quilt Along Flickr group.

This morning, I whipped up this specimen to enter in the contest.

I bought the "royal" fabric from Ebay a few years ago and made a cute little bag for my Mum by carefully cutting to display the faces of our favourite kings and queens. I later saw the same fabric for sale at Walmart, which kind of ruined it for me. Since then, the remaining yardage (and there was quite a bit) has sat in a drawer in my sewing room.

The OnlyChild thought the block wouldn't be ugly at all. She hasn't seen the finished product yet. It's a bit hard on the eyes for sure, but I don't it actually ugly? I think it's kind of neat and, since it's Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee this year, it's a little tribute to her.

(Hey Mum, do you want a wallhanging or table quilt to match your bag?)


  1. I love my bag - I still use it. Sure, why not! hugs

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That definitely qualifies as ugly! I hope you win big!

  4. I am does not look ugly.....maybe if you messed up some of the points, align the blocks wrong??? But ugly....NOPE!!

  5. me the block itself isn't ugly and your sewing is just fine, but....since I have a hard time finding QE to be "attractive", I would say I would be one to consider the block ugly based on her likeness appearing there. (SORRY...hope I didn't offend anyone by saying that!!!)

  6. yes, beautifully sewn, but ugly.....I hope you

  7. Not my cup o tea but bare butt ugly...not so much.
    But ugly is in the eye of the beholder don't ya know... hahaha!
    Hope ya win!!

  8. Is that your Mum who commented up there??? {Hi Rachel's Mummy!!!}

    Hmmm. I can't decide if it's ugly or not. Like you, I kind of like it, but it does have it's ugly elements LOL!

  9. Not to my taste but I'm not sure it's ugly!

  10. I love the block except for the middle square; that just nasties the whole thing right up lol! good luck!

  11. That ugly Swoon block is gold. It made me laugh out loud! Thanks for making my day....I'm still giggling. Haven't seen anything that funny since I saw a lady proudly displaying a quilted vest she made with an appliqued chicken on the back of it. And I wet my pants laughing at that!


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