
Sunday, January 06, 2013

2013: Year of the Finished Project

Oooh, look at me...posting again and it's only been two days.

Today is a lazy, lazy day.  I don't even feel like sewing (Gasp! I know!). I guess Monday is looming over my head like a big, dark, ugly cloud. Tomorrow is back-to-work day. Ugh.

Oh well.

Yesterday, I put together the blocks for my Sock Monkey Postage Stamp quilt.

Slightly fuzzy picture - sorry about that (no, it's not your eyesight). I took this pic when I was laying out the blocks, but they're all sewn together now. I plan to put a border around it and I have some appliqué I'd like to add also. It should be cute when it's done, although I have no idea for whom or what purpose I'm making this. I just had a couple of jelly rolls hanging around.

In the spirit of getting these WIPs out of the way, I've joined Lynne's Year of the Finished Project challenge. This is a good one because we can make up our own rules. Here are mine:
  • I will finish at least one WIP per month
  • WIPs can be of any variety - quilting, sewing, cross stitch, knitting - and any size
  • I can start one new project per month, provided the previous month's WIP has been completed
  • Class assignments for the Curves Class I enrolled in do not count as new projects

First up on my list are the Christmas Strings quilt or the above Sock Monkey Postage Stamp quilt. I'll let you know how it goes. (Actually I'll throw a ticker tape parade if I finish one of them by the end of the month.)


  1. Welcome to the Linky party - good to have you on board. I like your rules, clear and concise! I'm already tripping over mine! LOL

  2. Wow! that is super! It is fun to just make something to try it out. I don't think you always need a final destination for a quilt. I have to laugh when my kids see me piecing something and say"Who is that for"? Well, sometimes it is just the journey and not the destination!
    Enjoy your party but don't let it stress you out!

  3. Awesome first finish! My postage stamp is on my "I WILL finish this year!" list.

  4. The sock monkeys are looking great Rachel! I'm trying to finish up UFO's too -- I can't commit though -- that might open me up to failure LOL.

  5. I love that quilt! The colors are wonderful. If it's just sitting around your house, lonely without a purpose, why I could give it a good home and lots of love :o)

    I'm going to check out the finished project challenge ... might help me stay motivated to finish this stuff this year.

  6. Good going! You've made quite a bit of progress to get it to this point.


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