
Friday, January 04, 2013

New Year Check In

Happy New Year!

I was so ready for 2013 to arrive. How about you? It's always exciting to have a new beginning and look forward to and good things on the horizon. 2012 was hard, in some ways, so I'm glad to move on.

Today is my last day of "teacher vacation" and it might be my last teacher vacation day ever. I've quit my job.

Well, not really. That sounds a bit dramatic. I've taken a leave of absence for 1 year and accepted a job with the Department of Education beginning February 1. I need a change and, as I mentioned in earlier posts, there were some disturbing trends happening at my school and some bad decisions being made. I'm not sure if I'll go back after the year, but I'm glad I have the choice.

So, no more summers off, no more Christmas vacation, no more Spring Break (except that I'm still taking my students on our battlefield tour to England, Belgium and France this spring). But...also no more marking all weekend and evening. It's going to be an adjustment...

I have to say I've enjoyed this vacation time. I worked on a few projects, did some reading, relaxed a bit. You can see in the photos the Christmas String quilt I started a while back. The top is now done. And I've been working on another Postage Stamp quilt using sock monkey fabric. I have further plans for this one and can't wait to show you!

I've been trying to resist the temptation of joining the impromptu Scrappy Tripalong that cropped up on Twitter. It looks like fun, but I still need to finish my yellow and grey Dresden Plates, put together my red and grey Bowtie quilt, and make pillows to go with Swoon. Plus, there are a couple of other projects I haven't yet started, but for which I have already bought fabric.

I had a to-do list that didn't get done - and that's okay. All those household projects (cleaning out closets, painting the bedroom) can wait. I did get my marking done (almost) and I'll be ready for work on Monday (maybe), but I'm looking forward to the end of the month and kind of excited (and a little nervous) about the new job.

And New Year's Resolutions? Well, you know, the same old plans: lose weight, be more positive, read more books.

How's your New Year shaping up?


  1. How exciting for you! A wonderful new year filled with promise. I'm glad you've got a new job to look forward to - I'm sure the adjustment will be fine - just think - no more marking! Like you, I've been tempted by the scrappy trip along, and I'm sure I will jump in at some point, but right now I've got a lot of UFOs calling my name, and I'm trying to make those a priority this year!

  2. Congrats on your new job! The spring trip sounds like fun. My new year is going good so far ... four days in! Happy new year to you.

  3. I'm excited for you -- as a teacher I know how difficult things can be when bad decision are madero this move ot another job sounds wonderful. What will you be doing at the Dept of Ed?

    My start to the year has been tiring; I have had people here every day for over a month but the end -- next Wednesday -- is in sight! It has also been exciting, I started a Linky part called "2013:the Year of the Finished Project" and have had a few extra hits on my blog and new bloggers linking up and/or leaving comments. What fun to balance my exhaustion!

  4. So good to see you back! I hope the new job works out well. I loved the kids and teaching but when there were side issues it took off some of the fun (and I had to work every vacation just to get by). I wish you all the best in this move.

  5. Good luck on your new adventure. You'll have to keep us posted on life without correcting during weekends.

  6. Congratulations and good luck! Despite not having the vacations, what a nice break for you! No marking weekends! Hooray!!!!!

  7. Wow -- that's BIG news Rachael! I hope you'll love your new job. And your trip this spring! Man, you always get the best gigs -- I need to get me some of that LOL!!! Love that string quilt. You're not alone in not getting the todo list done. I always get so frustrated. I feel like I spend my Christmas holidays working and don't get enough time to sew!

  8. What exciting news! My hubby and I are both considering a job change this year, and a move, and it is exhilarating and frightening all at the same time. Best of luck to you!

  9. My best wishes to you in all your new endeavors this year! Enjoy! Hugs,


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