
Monday, February 15, 2010

Goin' Plain Jane

I'm trying out the Plain Jane look on my blog. No cutesy background. What do you think?

I tend to get bored with things easily, so we'll see.

You heard about my Checkerboard quilt woes. I did get all the blocks sewn back together the right way. They're all laid out on the floor of the spare bedroom, waiting to become an actual quilt top. I didn't touch that quilt yesterday... instead, I made these:

They are all for Victoria's Basics Home Gather. If you want more information, you can visit her blog, Bumble Beans. It's a neat project - and for a good cause. The little houses were easy to make, using V's great directions, and - BONUS! - I got to use up some scraps.

So far, it's been a pretty good weekend. Saturday, I spent half the day with my friend, Anne, hat shopping, going to the farmer's market, having coffee and buying books with the Chapters gift card I got for my birthday.

The OnlyChild said I didn't buy anything fun. Methinks she is wrong, wrong, wrong! I love Kristin Espinasse's blog French Word a Day, so I had to buy her book; I need a good phrase book for my trip to Italy in July (it came with a CD); and I've been wanting to read Suite Française for a couple of years now. So, I'm very very happy with my purchases!

Yesterday, I went to see the movie The Young Victoria. I would see this movie again just to drool over the costumes. Wow! The movie itself was good, but the ending was a bit anti-climactic - sort of a "what? it's over?" kind of thing. But, hey, it was good to get out of the house for a couple of hours and hang out at the trendy old cinema on Whyte Avenue.

And today...well, today I absolutely must get some marking done (there's not much to do) and I really want to get back to that Checkerboard quilt. I'll let you know how it goes...

Happy Holiday Monday (whatever your holiday may be today). Aren't long weekends the best?


  1. Those are the cutest little houses. Oh I love all those colors!

    Sounds like a really fun weekend.

  2. So THAT is what's different. Took me a while to figure out as I was waiting for your background to load. LOL. Meh. It's okay. A bit boring... LOL.

    Happy to hear that you had an enjoyable weekend!

  3. love those blocks you made for Victoria - very colourful. I will probably make some, but not just right now as there is too much already going on! Sounds like you had a good weekend, and enjoy your day off today. Not a holiday here in BC, but that doesn't affect me! I like your purchases - they look like perfect presents to me!

  4. I think your blog is fine no matter what way it looks...truthfully, I'm not one to pay particular attention to the LOOK of a blog....only to the content! I'm glad you had a nice weekend and got some books you really love.

  5. With such beautiful photos you don't need a cute background.

  6. I love your houses....

    It is about time that you take time for yourself!!

  7. Your little houses turned out so cute!

    I don't seem to notice the backgrounds on blogs...I go straight for the, I'm not much help am I?

  8. I like those houses ... especially the last one. Yes, long weekends are the best!

    I prefer the plain Jane look myself (both in real life and on my blog :o). I fancied mine up for
    Valentine's Day, but I'm going to put it back to plain pretty soon.

    Must have been book shopping.

  9. Hey lady! Love the houses! thanks so much!!! easy and fun and will do SOOO Much good!!!

  10. Love the new look! I've been thinking about going all white myself -- If I can just figure out how to get rid of my extra frame. Cute little houses!


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