
Monday, April 05, 2010

Back to reality...

but first a recap of the grand visit with my bestest friend, Cheryl.

In addition to our shopping and movie-watching, we spent a lot of time (a lot!) hanging around in the dining room drinking tea or coffee or whatever and catching up.

And colouring (yes, really - it's very therapeutic, don't you know).

We had some cuddle time with Cheryl's new granddaughter, who was born just two days before she came out to visit. Cheryl is a very young grammy! (I had to make that clear, because she is the same age as me and I'm quite sure there are no grandchildren in my immediate future... right, OnlyChild?)

One more photo... we couldn't get enough of this cuteness.

Hmmm... what else? We lay in the sun when we could.

I did some cooking (yes, it does happen sometimes):

I snuck in some fabric time and started on the Springtime in Paris quilt for my friend Sandi.

And I made a new candle cosy to match the Spring Spell quilt and table runner. I thought it was about time to put away the Christmas bird.

And we enjoyed a yummy Easter dinner cooked by Mr. P. It's wonderful to have a husband who doesn't mind cooking (or has at least resigned himself to the fact that he'd starve if he didn't do it).

We participated in no risky activities, nor did we have grand adventures. If you're familiar with Cheryl's blog and have read some of her earlier posts, you'll know that she hasn't been well. It was fantastic that she was able to travel all this way (4500 km or about 2800 miles) to see me! I didn't want to wear her out... however, with all the late nights and all-nighters we pulled, it might be me who's worn out and tomorrow I have to go back to work and back to reality.

So today, guess what I'm doing?

If you said "marking", you would be correct. Gold star for you!


  1. Hey -- what are my kitchen chairs doing in your kitchen??? And look at that sweet baby -- how fun!

  2. Now...let me get this straight....Cheryl lives far from you BUT her grandbaby doesn't, so I think that means you get to be the honorary grandmother, right? The baby is SO sweet! And...about the just never ends, does it?

  3. sounds like you had an awesome time with your friend...that baby is sooooooooooooooooo cute!!

  4. How FUN!!! to have your BFF over and have LOTS of time together!
    Your pie looks very YUMMY.
    Yes...that is a sweet baby and she is a VERY YOUNG Grandma!
    Your sewing room is awesome!! Maybe this year I'll have my craft room..I know..keep dreaming!
    Deb :)

  5. Your friend Cheryl looks so happy with that little grandbaby! Lucky girl.
    I'm glad you had a fun visit with her. I wanna take a trip and see my friends soon. I just saw on tv that tickets are pretty cheap now.
    That pie looks delish! Is it cherry?? That is my favorite. Cute cookies too.
    My hubby likes to cook too but man does he make a mess. Sometimes I'd rather just do it myself. Maybe that's why he makes such a mess. Ya think??
    Ok get busy marking!!!!

  6. Glad you and Cheryl enjoyed your visit. Cute baby looks like all is well with the world. :^)

  7. Thanks for sharing you sweet time with Cheryl. Looks like lots of fun girl time. That sweet baby. There is nothing sweeter than a new born.

    Have a good week.

  8. Oh that baby! So cute. Cheryl must have been in heaven spending time with her grandbaby. I enjoyed seeing pictures of the two of you together, and getting an extra peek at your house. Sounds like you two had a fun visit.

    Those chocolatey things looks yummy.

  9. Oh what fun and memories you all made! Spending time with a dear friend is priceless!
    Sweet lil doll baby too!
    Sorry you had to drag out that hateful marking again!!
    So funny the verify word is SEWATESS! ;-)

  10. The baby is so beautiful. Congrats to Cheryl and, of course, Robyn. I am so glad you had a fun time together.
    Hugs :)

  11. Like I said out on Facebook, the baby is adorable. Congratulations to Cheryl! Sounds like you had a wonderful time together!

  12. What fun! So great to catch up with friends and bake pie and have cuddles with an adorable baby!


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