I am thinking... that I didn't get enough done this weekend. I still have piles of marking to do, but one of my colleagues (a half-time teacher who was just hired) has been helping us all out with marking and today she took some of mine.
I am thankful for... the generosity of my colleagues - the one who is doing some of my marking and another who is creating a writing assignment for me.
From the learning rooms... I learned how to knit on double-pointed needles! A whole new world has opened up for me.
From the kitchen... nothing. I am attending a dinner at the University Faculty Club tonight so I don't have to cook (not that I would anyway...)
I am wearing... a brown tweedy skirt and a turquoise and brown sweater, with brown leather boots and tights.
I am creating... another seed scarf and still trying to get my quilting projects finished.
I am going... crazy with all there is to be done here at school and at home before Christmas.
I am reading... Mistress of the Sun by Sandra Gulland. She wrote the Josephine trilogy.
I am hoping... that tonight's dinner and speaker won't run too late. I'm tired and really looking forward to sleep.
I am hearing... classical music played on Sky.fm.
Around the house... Christmas decorations went up Saturday night and Sunday. The OnlyChild and I got home from our play Saturday night around 11 pm and decided to clean and decorate. We went to bed at 1:30 am Sunday having not quite finished everything.
One of my favourite things... a clean desk. Hasn't happened yet this semester!
A few plans for the rest of the week... finish the final project for my course, pick up a couple of Christmas presents, knit some, sew some, sleep.
Here is a picture thought:

Thanks to Sara at Fabric and Fiber Fanatic for inspiring this post.