Sometimes it doesn't take much to make me happy.
Isn't that great! I found it while doing some research for my next grade 12 Social Studies seminar. I wanted to do something different and it had to be a Cold War topic so I started googling, looking for ideas. I've decided the topic will be propaganda of this era, so I'm going to show this video (the real version is about 5 minutes long) along with 4 others. Then I'll do teacher stuff and then I'll make them do some student stuff. Planned!
Over the last few days, I've been reading these:
I wish I could say I was making good progress, but I should be finished reading up to page 58 in the book on the right and I'm on page 11. Yeah...sigh. It's as dry as dust and I can't get into it. Lucky for me I am a Class-A bullshitter so I was able to write my online post about it without even reading it. Now I'm just backtracking to cover my butt.
The book on the left is pretty interesting, though, so I'm on track with my reading in that one. That is until the weekend, when I'll officially be behind again unless I Back. Away. From. The. Sewing. Machine. And. The. Computer...
Speaking of the sewing machine... after that frenzy to get the Spring Spell quilt sewn together, it still sits on the bed in the spare room awaiting a backing, batting, quilting and binding. It may have to sit there until the hurricane that is my life settles down a bit. The good news is that grad is tomorrow and Friday then that's all over until next year. The bad news is that I seem to be lagging behind in every single task I have to complete right now: housework, this course, my marking (how quickly that piles up when I'm not looking ~ I swear those assignments multiply in captivity), and all the learning guides and tests I still have to write for next year's new courses. I'm drowning. Yep, the housework will have to be put on hold haha.
And speaking of housework... for the third day in a row, I had to clean up dog shit when I got home from work. Yeah, I'm through with the euphemisms. It can be "doo-doo" or "crap" the first day, but it's "shit" the third time I have to clean it up! I know it's Abby Dog. She just can't hold it. Ugh! And it's hard to be sympathetic when you're gingerly scooping up lumps from the floor. Ugh!
Anywayyyyy... it's raining here. Remember all that snow we had a while back? Yeah, well, now we have rain. Can you see it in that picture? It's helping the lilac bush blossom, I guess. No, we don't have any flowers yet. It's too cold here still. How about some sunshine, please?
I shouldn't complain ~ when it's colder out, I can still wear sweaters and pants that help to disguise my flab. I'm quite disgusted with myself. I promised me I would wear my nice red dress to grad but there's no way it will do up. I had really hoped to be down to my goal weight by now, four months after I made the commitment. I think I actually weigh a bit more than I did when I started.
So here I am bitter and frustrated and cold. Blogging when I should be reading or reading when I should be marking or marking when I should be writing. When am I going to be able to say, I should be sewing?
This package came from Joanna at Fig Tree Quilts. I entered her contest for naming the new Moda Patisserie Line. I had forgotten all about this so it was a wonderful surprise. I cannot wait to make these projects ~ I guess I'll have to buy another jelly roll!
And speaking of Jelly Rolls... (no not the one around my middle; I'm working on that)... I did some sewing on my Spring Spell quilt last night. I've named it "Spring Spell" as a result of a comment Stacy made about me casting a spell to get Spring to finally arrive in this part of the world. I think the spell may have worked! I have just the borders to sew onto the quilt and, of course, the quilting to do. I'm very happy with the way it's turned out and excited to finish it. Another splendid event is the giveaway at Magnolia Bay Quilts. If you leave a comment on her giveaway post this weekend, you could win this:
Yes, it's Splendid Saturday. I hope it's splendid for you, too!
(With the OnlyChild in NYC, Summer 2008)
My job ~ I have an interesting job with a good salary. It's pretty secure, even in this recession. I work with great people and, though the kids sometimes make me shake my head, I have more good days than bad, and more fun than aggravation with them. I've also learned so much from working with young adults, some things I'd rather not know...
(Social Studies Department, June 2008)
My brain ~I may not have been born stunningly gorgeous, but I was born with a brain in good working order and that's more important to me. I just can't imagine being dumb and I'm thankful I am able to earn a good living, solve my own problems, read quilting patterns, enjoy good books, and have interesting conversations.
My friends ~ As I get older, I find it more difficult to form strong friendships. I live 5000 km from where I grew up and have moved around far too much in the past 18 years. Although my high school friends mean the world to me, we sometimes lose contact for months at a time. Thank goodness for the handful of new friends I've met since I moved to the city. I do tend to keep to myself, but there is still someone to meet for coffee, someone to have lunch with, a quilting and scrapbooking friend, and colleagues with whom to share a friendly word. It's not good to live in isolation.
(With my best friend from junior high, Cheryl - February 2008)
The pets ~ Poor old Rexy. At nearly 18, he must have used up about 8 of his 9 lives. He gives us more trouble than pleasure lately with his midnight meowing, the failed attempts at getting it in the litter box, his tendency to be underfoot at the most inconvenient times, and all the messes we are forced to clean up. But he's family and we love him. Abby and Derby are a constant source of entertainment and are great company when I'm home alone (which is not very often lately). All three of them love us unconditionally and are always excited when we get home from work/school.
(A Christmas Day walk with Abby)
Bernice ~ I ♥ my sewing machine. I think she must be the best gift I've ever received! I am never bored because there is always some project that Bernice and I can be working on together. In the 8 years I've had her, she's never let me down.
(The only thing I wanted for Christmas last year ~ but not the only thing I got)
Dance class ~ Six years ago when we moved to the city, I was unemployed, friendless and lonely. One day I won $2000 in a radio contest and the OnlyChild (in grade 6 at the time) said to me, "Now you can take that belly dance class!" And I called the instructor, Nada, to register immediately. Since that first session in September of 2003, I have missed only one term of belly dance classes with Nada. I love it! Sadly enough, she had to cancel our spring session due to low registration. We'd had two weeks of classes, but there weren't enough people to make it worth her time (or the hall rental fee). I think the dogs will be happy, though. They'll get walked more often now!
(Spring dance recital, 2005)
You ~ I entered the world of blogging in January of this year. I was not a decision I made with trepidation; I just jumped in with both feet the day before Christmas vacation ended and haven't looked back. I love connecting with people who share the same interests and I love catching up on what everyone's doing in their homes, gardens, jobs, with family and friends. It's a very interesting world out there! Thank you!
So there you have it: my gratitude list. Not a sentimental list, by any means, because I'm a pretty straightforward gal, but it will be something I'll go back to now and then when I need a gentle slap upside the head and a reminder that I really do have a good life! (That's my new mantra)